Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 29: Mouse in a Tin

I have a couple kids in my life that are obsessed with all things small. They love squinkes, littlest pet shop, and anything from a quarter machine! A "mouse in a tin" sounded like a perfect stocking stuffer.

To make this project you will need:
Empty Altoids Tin
Tan Felt
Poka dot Felt
Pink Felt
Small Scrap of Fabric
Small Piece of Pink Yarn
Spray Paint
Permanent Marker or Paint Pens
Sheet of Paper or Card Stock

Using the sheet of paper draw a pattern for a body (rounded triangle), little feet, arms, and ears.  Cut 2 of each out of corresponding felt.

Spray paint the inside and outside of the tin. I chose to use a light blue color because that is what I had in storage.

Pin the ears, arms, feet, and tail to the inside back of the mouse and sew in place.

Next, embroider a nose, eyes, and a mouth on the front of the mouse.

Sew the front of the mouse to the back, leaving a place to stuff. After stuffing, sew up the hole.

Cut a small rectangle out of fabric and sew 3 sides, stuff and sew last side. This is your pillow.
Cut a long rectangle out of the poka dot felt. Flip 1/4 in. of the felt back on 1 side and sew. This is your blanket.

Place your pillow, mouse, and blanket in the tin. I didn't like the "Altoids" impression showing on the top of my tin so I cut a piece of felt large enough to cover it and wrote "Mouse in a Tin" on it. Then I glued it on the top of the tin. You can do this to the inside of the tin as well.
Done. Turned out cute!
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