Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 9: Maston Jar Candle

Today's project was mason jar candles. But, before I could work on candles something had to be done about our house! I would love for you all to think I am superwoman, not that I could even fake that! But, I have to say that in the mist of all of my crafting our house has become very messy, even for me. Consequently, today had to be a cleaning day!
After things were somewhat back to normal I began today's project. I still have so many candles that were given to me so I began by picking out the color candles I wanted to turn into mason jar candles.

I chopped up the candles and removed the wicks, salvaging 10 of the long wicks to use for the jar candles. I set up my double boiler and began melting the wax.
While I waited for the wax to melt I set up my mason jars and wicks. I wrapped each wick around a pencil making sure to keep it long enough to reach the bottom of the jar. I placed the pencil on the top of the jar and centered the wick.
I worried about the wick not staying in place after filling the jar with wax but it seems to have worked fine.
The last candle I melted down held its scent well, but since I am planning on using these for gifts I added some Cinnamon apple essential oil.
I used a silicone ladle to pour the hot wax into each jar. A few times I over shot the jar and hit my hand. OUCH!
I filled all 10 jars and let them set. All turned out well! They did sink a little in the middle so they will need another pour tomorrow. They didn't cost me anything and they will make really cute gifts!
Today I reheated the wax and made a second pour. Some of the candles had sunk a lot. I think that if I had made some relief holes on each side of the wick that the sink hole would not have been quite as large. The hole filled very nicely on the second pour, although I over filled a few of the candles which made the tops look a little rough. I will save those candles and use them around the house.
After the wax cooled and hardened I trimmed the wick.
I was very happy with the end result!
To decorate I found some cute fabric and glued it to each lid with fabric glue. I trimmed it down to size. Next, I tied a small bow out of a contrasting ribbon. When the glue dried I screwed the lid on the top and that was that! I ended up with 6 out of the 10 to give. I am excited, these will make some wonderful gifts!
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