Sunday, September 16, 2012

100 Day's Till Christmas!

I love Christmas! When I say love I mean purchasing presents in January, listening to Christmas music in July, making Christmas plans and scheduling activities for our family in September. I really love Christmas!

It seems to combine everything that makes me happy. It is the day we celebrate my Lord and Savior's birthday. That alone is worthy of excitement! We also get to gather with family and friends who we do not get to see very often which fills my heart with so much joy and thankfulness. It gets cold (if we are lucky) so I can pull out my super cute boots and sweaters! The lights, the smells, the gifts, the yummy food! It is all wonderful!

This year in an effort to remain crafty during the holiday season without losing my mind I have challenged myself to make one hundred holiday crafts in the one hundred days left until Christmas. Now, you may think that this would just cause more craziness in my house to take such a large challenge. Here are the Reasons I believe this challenge will be good for me.

1. When it all comes down to it I will be trying to do this many crafts and projects for Christmas anyway. Having them all spaced out over the next one hundred days will help me not get to bogged down in the two weeks before Christmas.

2. Having all my projects lined out and sectioned into weeks will help space out the costs of my crafts, allowing this activity to not take a large chunk out of our budget all at once.

3. Crafting is something I really enjoy and consider a hobby so this will allow me to have a little "me" time in the day that can (hopefully) be done in the few stolen moments between homeschooling, taking care of the house, working on church commitments, baseball and taekwondo practices, and multiple unplanned items that always seem to work their way in!

Well, You never know if you can till you try right?! So I am going to have a go at it!

Want to join me? You can make your own list or get inspiration from mine. I will be posting a full list of my projects later tonight. My list includes gifts for family, decorations, small items for church people and teachers game prizes etc., holiday recipes to try, and a few crafts for Thanksgiving and Halloween. Some of my crafts will simple enough to complete in a day and some will take a few days to complete (some crochet projects) and will over lap other projects.

Since today is day one, here is my project for today. Urban slouchy beanie

I started this a couple of days ago but finished it today. I will post pictures later.

Hope this is fun for all of us! I would love (like Christmas love) to hear what crafts, projects, and activities you are planning!

Well here's to crafting!
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  1. I can't wait to see all the cool things you're going to make! : )

  2. This is a neat idea! Christmas is my FAVORITE!
