Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 5: Wax Candle Holder

I am not a good interior decorator at all! I just never know how to put stuff together and make it look good. I never know exactly what look I want the house to have. But every once in a while I find something I really want for our living room or our bedroom. These wax candle holders were something I thought I would really like to have for our living room.
I started this morning by picking out the color candles that I thought would best suit our living room.
I chopped up the candles and put them in my massive double boiler, turned on the stove, and waited, and waited, and waited.
I was doing school with Landon so I wasn't extremely worried about how long it was taking other than every time I would go to stir it I was pretty sure that what had been melted before was now hard again. I thought it must just be me being impatient and went on.
We had a half day of school today because I had to attend a meeting during the afternoon. The wax did not melt much at all before I had to leave so I turned off the oven deciding to try again later.
After my meeting and a visit to the hospital to see a lady from church I made it back home in plenty of time to complete this project before I had to teach girls Bible study. I thought. I turned on the stove and left the room to study my lesson. I came back about 20 Min's later and almost nothing was melted! By this time I was starting to get frustrated and began chopping at the wax with a spoon. NOTHING!
Finally, I decided to check my water in the bottom pot. It was nearly gone. I had filled the pot with 2-3in. of water that morning but I guess in all of that time heating and reheating it had evaporated. I filled the pot with water again and once again waited for it to heat up. This time it worked! All the wax melted.
Now I could finally begin! My friend Jayde, one of the teens from our church wanted to stay and help me. It was nice to have a second pair of hands!
We began by laying out our balloons and putting wax paper on a cookie sheet.
Then I blew up the balloons. I looked and looked at the pictures I had to refer to and decided that their balloons were weighted down with something. So, I filled my balloons up with water. At first I though It would be a good idea to only put a little bit of water in the balloon and fill the rest up with air. I had to laugh at myself for trying this! Umm, just don't! I ended up filling the whole balloon with water till it was about 4in in diameter.
OK, we were set. I was really worried that putting a balloon in hot wax would pop it and I didn't want to get water in the wax and start all over, so Jayde had the brilliant idea to try it with an air blown balloon first. No pop!
We took turns dipping the balloons into the wax, about 10 times per balloon. I think it would have turned out better if we had dipped each balloon more.
Then we set them on the cookie sheet and placed them in the freezer to make sure that the wax set quickly.

It was difficult to get the wax to form a flat bottom because it was hardening before we could set it on the cookie sheet.
When we took them out of the freezer a couple of them were broken (which may have been caused by putting them in the freezer) and one would not stand on its own.
Only two actually turned out ok. When we placed some rose candles inside the holders this is what I ended up with.
I don't really care for them. Hey, you win some and you lose some! We will do better tomorrow!
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