Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 12: Button Tree Ornament

Today life happened and time ran very short. When I finally got around to working on my project for today I only had an hour to complete it before we had to leave for a football game. We try to make it to all the football games that any kids from our church are in, in an effort to be involved in their lives. Honestly, we will probably still go after they all graduate just because Pete likes it so much!
Anyway, this didn't leave me enough time to paint my Thanksgiving plaque.
So, I scrambled around for a few minutes trying to decide what to do. I didn't want to miss a day but I still wanted to stick pretty close to my list. Thankfully, God knew at the beginning of the week that I wasn't going to have time today to paint a plaque and He guided me to put a super simple project on my list for Saturday, the button tree ornament. He really amazes me so often, that He would even care about something so small. But, He knew it would stress me out and made a plan for me!
 So I ran around the house looking for buttons. I thought I had a lot of buttons but all that I could find was flower buttons.
I picked out all the green buttons and one yellow to make the star on top. Then I couldn't remember if I had thin wire. Dani came home about that time and she had some thin wire sticks which turned out to work perfectly. I halved a stick and began stringing  the green buttons bigger buttons to smaller buttons.
After I stacked enough buttons to look like a Christmas tree I had decide how to but the star on. I finally threaded one side of the yellow flower button taking it to the top of the tree. Then, using the same wire that was threaded through the first hole I pulled it through the second hole. This was a little difficult because you have to hold the button in place and pull at the same time so that the button doesn't move. A second set of hands may be helpful here.
To finish I used pliers and made a little heart hanger at the top.
I LOVED how this turned out! I think the flower buttons made it even better than Martha's!
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