Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 76: Nutter Butter Reindeer

This was one of the most difficult projects that I have done so far. I know, it really should be easy right? Nutter Butter reindeer, just dip cookies in chocolate and add a few things to make them look like reindeers. Yeah, that is what I thought.

To make the reindeers you need:
Chocolate chips
Nutter Butter cookies
Red Hot candies
white and black royal icing
craft sticks
First take a cookie and place a craft stick in the middle.This step started the problem. The cookies would separate when you shoved a stick in them. I found these "skinny sticks" at Wal-Mart. They were a little thinner and longer than popsicle sticks.
Next, melt your chocolate chips. I did this in the crock pot. Here is the thing, you CANNOT  dip these if you want them to stay intact. Or maybe you can, but we couldn't! So many of our cookies ended up a chocolate peanut mess. We ended up spooning some chocolate over the cookie sitting on some foil. Then, after the chocolate has dried you can remove any unwanted chocolate from the sides of your cookie.
To add the antlers I used broken pieces of pretzel and shoved them in between the layers of the cookie. We also made some by just laying the bottom of the pretzel on top of the cookie and covering it with chocolate to make it stay.
Add a Red Hot to the bottom of the cookie for a nose.
Using black and white royal icing make eyes. I placed 1 of my eyes on a chocolate bump without realizing it, so it slid off and looked droopy.
To finish up I used plastic sandwich bags and curling ribbon to wrap up my little deer.
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