Wednesday, January 2, 2013

13 Goals For 2013

After some thought and prayer I have decided on these 13 goals to strive for in 2013-

1) Read the New Testament through every month. 
Pete and I do this together every morning. We have accomplished this once already but our hope is to read through 12 times this year.

2) Read the Old Testament through 1 time. 
This pretty much equals 2 1/2 chapters a day. Not bad at all!

3) Crochet at least 4 blankets for the Truman hospital. 
4) learn to knit and make 4 small projects 
5) have 6 $30 dinner parties 
6) switch blog over to .com
7) apply for all adoption grants and loans possible
8) fund raise for adoption ( make a written plan for fundraising) 
9) become even more active and deliberate in Landon's schooling everyday. By this I mean- don't just get through a text book but seek to actively TEACH at every opportunity. 
10) Go on at least 1 date a month with my husband
11) redecorate our bedroom 
12) redecorate Landon's bedroom
13) organize the craft room 
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1 comment:

  1. I love to organize.. Jim says I am always organizing an reorganizing just to confuse him lol
