Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 21: Snickerdoodle Cookies

 I love to make cookies more than anything else. Making cookies just makes me happy! They are easy, have unlimited possibilities, and can be easily thrown away if you mess one up!
That being said, I did NOT want to make snickerdoodles tonight! We started our day by going to a fall festival to watch some friends of ours band play, and then went straight to Landon's double header, only to be immediately followed up with a football game tonight. So, I was tired and didn't really want to make anything. But, I did and they were SO easy!
I had never made snickerdoodles before, but I have always wanted to try!
I used a recipe from Betty Crocker but I was a little disappointed with the detail of the recipe and I did end up tweaking it slightly. Here is my tweaked recipe.

1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup butter or margarine, softened                                                                                      
2  eggs
2 3/4  cups all-purpose                                           
2 teaspoons cream of tartar                                 
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4  teaspoon salt
1/4  cup sugar                                           
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

Mix the 1 1/2 cups sugar, butter, and eggs together until combined.

Add the cream of tarter, baking soda, salt, and flour. Mix well, until it forms a dough. This takes quite a bit of mixing.
Form as many 1 1/2 in. balls with the dough as you can.
Mix remaining 1/4 cup sugar and 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon together. Liberally roll each of the balls in the sugar mixture.

Place cookies on an ungreased cookie sheet and using the flat bottom of a cup to gently flatten the cookie to about 1/2 in. thick.

Bake @ 400 degrees for 10 min.
Let cool and enjoy!

See, easy! This will defiantly be a come back recipe for our family!
I did have one mishap. I caught my plastic spatula in the beaters and broke 2 little pieces off losing them in the dough. I thought I may have to throw the whole batch away but Pete and I searched the dough and actually found the missing pieces. I played puzzle with the spatula to make sure that I had all of the plastic pieces. You know it's always an adventure!
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