Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 78: Snowman Kit

We almost never get snow. When we are blessed we might see it once a year. Anytime we have snow the world stops and we all spend the day making snow angels, sledding, making snowmen, and drinking hot chocolate.
I thought it would be fun to have a snowman kit all ready to go for when and if it ever snows.

To make a snowman kit you need:
Fimo or Sculpy clay
Small dowel rods

I pulled out some Fimo clay I have had for years hoping that it was still soft and workable. Thankfully it was, so that saved me some money and used up some old supplies. We used some dowel rods that we had and wire cutters to cut them down to size.
We just cut our rods in half which made them about 4-6 in. each.

Next, we kneaded our clay to make it soft and pliable.  For our carrot nose we mixed yellow and red because we didn't have orange clay. This made a good lesson in colors!  Landon formed the clay into a carrot shape. Then, we stuck a stick in the thick end of the carrot. He wanted to make lines in the clay to make it look more like a carrot. He used a butter knife to do this.
We made 6 pieces of "coal" for the mouth out of black clay. All we did was stick a ball of clay on the end of a stick and formed it into uneven shapes. However we thought coal would look.
We decided to make the eyes look like buttons. To do this we took green clay and blue clay and made 2 - 2 1/2 in. discs.
We rolled out a thin piece of clay and outlined the top of the disc.
Using 1 of the dowel rods we made 4 holes in the disc.
Using 2 more pieces of thinly rolled clay we stuck them in the holes, criss crossing them to make it look like a sewn button.
To place these on a dowel rod we used a little ball of clay and placed it around the top of the stick. Then, we stuck the button on top of that.
Placing all the pieces on a cookie sheet, we baked them in a 230 degree oven for 30 minutes.
After they cool they are ready to be used or stashed away for a snowy day! You can even add a hat and scarf to your kit if you are so inclined.
We can't wait to use our snowman kit!
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