Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 8: Heart Oven Mitt

I hope everyone had a great day with the Lord today! We had good services at church this morning and a nice lunch with my sister and her fiance. And this is how I spent my afternoon...
I found a picture of these really cute heart shaped oven mitts online. However I could not find a tutorial for them. So, I decided to make my own tutorial and share it with any of you who wanted to make this as well.
I started by making a pattern for my mitts. Using copy paper I cut 2 hearts large enough to fit my hand comfortably inside. Then, I folded 1 heart in half and starting at the bottom outside of the folded heart I cut up and on an angle ending at the top of the opposite side of the heart. This gives you 2 pieces, 1 to fit on top of  each side of the whole heart.
I also cut a strip of paper about 1 1/2 in. wide and just a little longer than the 2 heart sides.
I picked 2 contrasting fabrics, 1 for the outside and one for the inside of the mitt. Cut 1 whole heart from BOTH the fabrics colors and also the batting. (My batting was thin so I doubled up and cut 2 hearts.) Cut 1 of each of the heart sides out of your outside fabric. Cut 2 of the strips from the inside fabric.
Time to sew. First, I took the heart sides and and strips of contrasting fabric and one at a time sewed the strips to the inside edge of the heart side pieces. Making sure to tuck in raw edges.

I pinned the sides, front facing, on the front of the whole heart cut from the inside fabric and basted.

This next part was tricky. I had to figure out how to stack all of the layers of the mitt. Here is how to do it.
 Lay out the batting layer and stack the whole outside heart, front facing you, directly on top of the batting layer. Next, place the inside heart that you just basted with BACK facing you, directly on top of the other layers. Pin and sew, making sure to leave a large enough hole to turn right side out.
After sewing, and turning, sew up hole and press. Your done! Not that hard! It took very little fabric and will make a cute gift!
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